James Einstman, Jr.
James Einstman, Jr.
Addiction Treatment Specialist
Addiction Treatment Specialist
11 Oakland Avenue -
3rd Floor
Warwick, NY 10990

James Einstman, Jr, LCSW, CASAC is proud to announce Reel Interventions ~ Therapeutic Fishing. Reel Interventions is a specialized, psychotherapeutic treatment service, unique in its approach to serve individuals and families suffering from the long-lasting effects of Substance Use Disorders.
The mission of Reel Interventions is to provide a clinically based psychotherapeutic treatment service that supports, empowers, and inspires recovering addicts and their families, through the love of fishing and the outdoors, so they can break the cycle of addiction, enhance the healing process, and begin to repair the damaged relationships in their lives.
Addiction thrives in isolation. By the time most addicts enter treatment, they are disconnected from family and friends, either by choice (to hide and protect their substance use) and/or through family discord. Furthermore, through active addiction, the dopamine (feel good) receptors in the brain are overstimulated due to a constant bombardment of drugs on the system. By the time most people seek help, they are not able to find pleasure in anything besides their active addiction. Addicts in early recovery often complain of being bored and have a loss of interest in activities. They often suffer from anhedonia, as their brains have minimal production of dopamine due to the “spikes” of dopamine that are associated with drug abuse.
There is significant research that shows that being outdoors, connecting with nature, and breathing fresh air, stimulates these same dopamine receptors, and assists with the healing process. In addition, anyone who has landed a fish can tell you that there is almost nothing like it. Fishing is a wonderful and relaxing past time. The inherent serenity and excitement that it brings is spiritual in nature. There is also a fellowship amongst fishing folk that is well needed in the recovery process.
Through Reel Interventions, we can begin the process of separating the individual from their drug of choice, while providing them with a fun and engaging activity, as well as a useful skill. This is accomplished by providing the individual with the finest of clinical treatment services, including interventions such as individual psychotherapy.
Through Reel Interventions, we create a welcoming, collaborative approach to treatment and the recovery process. Spending time on a boat or at the side of a lake, focusing on catching fish, and settling into the natural surroundings has the innate ability to lower inhibitions, and let down defensive walls in a way not commonly seen in traditional therapy.
James Einstman, Jr., LCSW, CASAC has been working as an Addiction Treatment Professional since 2000, and has experience working in multiple agencies, with a diverse treatment population. Furthermore, James opened his private practice in Warwick, NY in 2010, serving adolescents and adults in the Hudson Valley. As a result of ongoing discussions with clients about boredom, lack of interest in activities, and a desire to connect in an alternative manner, James Einstman, Jr., LCSW, CASAC started facilitating psychotherapeutic fishing experiences with his clients in the summer of 2015. These events have included active clients, alumni and family members, recovery professionals, members from the local 12-step recovery community, as well as other fishing enthusiasts that want to give back to the community and share their love of fishing with others. Many of the participants have never tried fishing before but have walked away with a deep appreciation for this pastime.
If you are interested in seeking treatment for your Substance Use Disorder, and are looking for a powerful alternative to traditional talk therapy, consider Reel Interventions!!!!
Call 845.480.4141 today to start the healing process!!!
“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man to Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.”

Advantages & Benefits
- Enhances and supports the recovery process
- Can reduce rate of relapse
- Promotes relaxation
- Safely stimulates the Dopamine Receptors
- Teaches Self-reliance
- Bestows Patience
- Exposure to the Great Outdoors, fresh air, and sunshine
- Low impact exercise
- Teaches Healthy Coping skills to manage daily stressors
- Teaches problem solving skills
- Physically challenging
- Spiritually enlightening
- Socially stimulating
- Culturally enriching