James Einstman, Jr.
James Einstman, Jr.
Addiction Treatment Specialist
Addiction Treatment Specialist
11 Oakland Avenue -
3rd Floor
Warwick, NY 10990

Clinical Screening and Assessment of the Impaired Driver
Sometimes referred to as a "DWI Eval", this service is designed for those individuals who have been charged with, or convicted of an impaired driving offense who require clinical screening and assessment services. I am approved through NYS DMV and OASAS to provide this service. I utilize Evidenced Based screening tools, and/or a comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluation to ensure a thorough and accurate assessment. Treatment recommendations, interventions, and/or referrals are included in this service.
I pride myself on performing a thorough and accurate assessment. Not everyone who has been arrested for a drinking and driving related offense is an "alcoholic", nor requires treatment. Most treatment providers automatically admit DWI offenders for treatment. However, that is not the case with me. I provide a comprehensive substance abuse evaluation, focused on identifying the presence of a Substance Use Disorder, and if so, how severe. Then and only then do I make recommendations for treatment. This recommendation could range from simple advice, to intensive treatment, and is always based on the individual.
To facilitate the Clinical Screening and Assessment of the Impaired Driver, I utilize a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment, evidenced based screening tools, collateral contacts, and a urine drug screen. This service is usually completed during one, two hour session in my private office located in Warwick, NY. However, on some occasions, additional sessions may be required to review information, and discuss findings. Regardless of the number of sessions, there is a flat fee to cover this service.
Don't Wait!!! Call me today to schedule your evaluation!