James Einstman, Jr.
James Einstman, Jr.
Addiction Treatment Specialist
Addiction Treatment Specialist
11 Oakland Avenue -
3rd Floor
Warwick, NY 10990

In my practice, I am seeing increasingly more kids that are brought in by their parents/guardians looking for help with issues regarding attention, anxiety, emotional outbursts, school problems, and sleep disruption. When I inquire about the child’s use of electronic screens, in the form of video games, social media, streaming, etc., it is quickly revealed that the child is interfacing with screens the majority of their day. In fact, they are usually engaged in the digital world more than the real world. Most often, there is an emotionally charged conversation between family member and child regarding their significant screen time, and the failed attempts to control this behavior. The family member more often than not, expresses their frustration and difficulty with this ongoing issue, and their belief in how the use of screens is most likely a contributing factor that led to them seeking services in the first place. If this is you, you are not alone.

Are you or your loved one:
- Spending a large part of your day staring at a screen?
- Spending less time with family and friends to be with your device?
- Having problems at work o​r school due to "digital distraction"?
- Increasingly anxious, especially when you are away from your digital devices?
- Using the internet to escape from life, to cope with feelings?
- Less interested in activities that do not include digital devices?
- Lying about the amount of time spent in front of a screen?
- Spending more time in digital life than in the real world?
- Basing your self esteem on your social media activity?
- Tired the next day because of late night gaming sessions or social media?
- Having feelings of guilt about the use of screens?
- Annoyed by people complaining about how much time you spend on the internet?
- Experiencing difficulty or multiple failed attempts to cut down on screen time?
- Finding yourself constantly refreshing social media sites to check for "likes" and "views"?
- Easily Distracted?
- Startled Easily?
- Moody or experiencing emotional outbursts?
If so, please ask yourself if this is the way you truly want to live your life. Our culture is very technology centered. Most teens and adults have at least one, if not multiple devices connected to the internet these days. Therefore, digital addiction is usually not recognized, and often encouraged. However, Digital Addiction is a problem that effects people in many serious ways. However, change is possible, and help is available.
If you or someone you love is suffering from Digital Addiction, please contact me so we can start the process of change.