James Einstman, Jr.
James Einstman, Jr.
Addiction Treatment Specialist
Addiction Treatment Specialist
11 Oakland Avenue -
3rd Floor
Warwick, NY 10990

Individual Therapy
My focus is to enhance the individual's sense of his/her own well-being and to increase insight regarding their behavior. My approach is client centered, working with the patient to identify the areas of their life they want to change, as well as identifying the internal and external barriers to making such changes. I utilize theories of Psychodynamics, Cognitive Therapy, and Behavior Modification, with a strong reliance on strength based, brief treatment modalities such as Solution Focused Therapy and integrate them with a more conventional 12-Step based, disease concept.
Family Therapy
Is a focus of therapy that works with families and couples in intimate relationships to nurture change and development. It emphasizes family relationships as an important factor in psychological health. A cornerstone of my work is a belief that, regardless of the origin of the problem, and regardless of whether the patients consider it an "individual" or "family" issue, involving families in the treatment process often benefits the patient. Additionally, many family members themselves benefit from having a safe and therapeutic environment where they can process the hurt they have experienced from the behavior of their loved one.

The Addiction Treatment Group
Is a professionally facilitated, process oriented group, focused on exploring the pattern of addictive behavior and how it has negatively impacted the members’ lives, as well as increasing skills and tools to enhance recovery.
The Multi-Family Group
Is focused on providing family members and friends the well needed support they require to cope with the impact their loved one’s addictive behavior has had on their lives. This group is focused on educating members about the family disease of addiction, family systems and roles, as well as to help identify interventions to motivate the addict to enter and/or remain in treatment. There is also a strong emphasis on codependency and how it has contributed to the family dynamics.

Assessment & Referral
Can be provided for patients and their family members through an informal consultation, Evidenced Based screening tools, and/or a comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluation. Treatment recommendations, interventions, and/or referrals are included in this service.
Anger Management
Can be provided individually or in a group format. Utilizing a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach, the individual is provided with insight regarding triggers that cause angry outbursts, as well as the necessary skills to better cope with these sometimes overwhelming feelings.
Clinical Screening and Assessment of the Impaired Driver
This service is designed for those individuals who have been charged with, or convicted of an impaired driving offense who require clinical screening and assessment services. I am approved through NYS DMV and OASAS to provide this service. I utilize Evidenced Based screening tools, and/or a comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluation to ensure a thorough and accurate assessment. Treatment recommendations, interventions, and/or referrals are included in this service.